IAB Health Productions


Health is having the energy to exercise and play with your kids, the mental clarity to excel at your job, and the focus to get what you want out of life.

Most people don’t know what it’s like to truly feel well. It’s more than just the absence of disease. Good nutrition and physical activity are the core to truly feeling well. Whether you’re helping employees reach their health goals or setting your own, I can help you find better nutrition as the first steps towards a better life.

I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Personal Trainer who has helped companies and individuals meet their health goals by providing tailored wellness services like hands-on cooking classes, weight loss programs and presentations, interactive nutrition and wellness seminars, and intuitive eating programs. I’m trained in Intuitive Eating and Adult Weight Management by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and have been teaching balanced nutrition for seven years. Other specialties include nutrition freelance writer, speaker, weight loss and wellness program developer and implementer, recipe creator and hands-on cooking instructor.

My philosophy is to strive for a healthy balance between nutrition and lifestyle. I’m not the nutritionist who will tell you to bring carrot sticks to the birthday party or to eat a chicken breast with broccoli for dinner every night. While I eat healthy most of the time, I definitely enjoy a burger and beer.


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