
About Me
My name is Kelly Stellato. I am a health & wellness professional and former senior center director. I have taught Silver Sneakers and similar classes for more than 15 years, and have taught several Tai Chi for Health programs.

My certifications include:

Health & Nutrition Coach

Personal Trainer

Group Exercise Instructor

Advanced Yoga Instructor

Tai Chi for Health (TCA, TCA2, TCAFP)

Silver Sneakers (Classic, Yoga, Circuit)

?Goals for ReActive
It is my goal to provide programs and information that enable you to stay healthy, fit, and strong. I want to see people moving more, growing stronger, and making connections with others. I truly believe that the right exercise programs and support systems can make that possible.

The ReActive website is a way for me to share research about healthy aging, reviews about popular wellness products and trends, and tips and strategies for incorporating healthy choices into your life.


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