IAB Health Productions


Premier Corporate Wellness is a unique mobile clinic that is based in Arlington, Texas. We provide services in Dallas Fort Worth area, Houston Metroplex, Austin, San Antonio, Waco and surrounding areas throughout Texas. At Premier Corporate Wellness we provide a variety of onsite health screenings in order to promote awareness and prevention to different corporations and their employees. We pride ourselves in catering to the needs of the company and their employees in order to assist in the overall well being of each employee. We believe that with healthy living comes a happy life and healthy living starts with prevention.

Our main goal at Premier Corporate Wellness is to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes which is the #1 killer among Americans. Nearly 600,000 Americans die from heart disease each year. This includes 38,096 TEXANS! Therefore, the primary screening that we provide is the cardiovascular screenings but we provide other additional services as well.


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