IAB Health Productions


Dr. Bradford was introduced to natural health and wellness at the age of 15 years old when was injured playing football. Traditional medical care such as physical therapy and medications were unable to help Dr. Bradford get back on the field and play at a high level again. When his parent’s took him to a local wellness doctor, he began to have amazing results.

Dr. Bradford became inspired to help families improve their health and understand wellness. He dedicated himself to learning family wellness care, Allergy Elimination, Nutritional counseling as well as patient education. Dr. Bradford is a member of the Utah Chiropractic Physicians Association and The Wellness Champions. He is certified in The Sympathetic Dominance protocol, NAET Allergy Elimination, Homeopathic Injection Therapy, Spinal Decompression Protocol, True Cellular Detox Protocol as well as many other treatment programs.

Dr. Bradford has actively been involved in educating his community in the corporate, small business and group settings to empower all to achieve true and optimal health. Through his lecturing and education, Dr. Bradford hopes to inspire a massive change in his communities’ approach to achieving true health and wellness. He is currently in private practice in the Ogden, UT area and has helped thousands of patients transform their health.


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