
My name is Dr. Alex Vujnovic, I help parents, educators and caregiver develop a brain-based lens understand that behavior has a purpose.


Behaviors are there to be understood; it’s not something to be corrected.


Behaviors are windows into what’s happening with an individual and the way an individual is engaging, processing, connecting with their world.


This approach allow us to connect and advocate and help these individuals in a very different way, as opposed to just stopping or treating the symptoms. By understanding we help them progress more efficiently in their growth, learning, engagement and connection.


If an individual is not There Yet in whole brain processing or development, we are going to see an increase in the behaviors or deflections that reflect what primary tools they are using to process, engage, learn and connect in their world.


We are interested in the WHY they are having these behavioral, learning, socialization challenges.


As it turns out, the answer lies in their history – in understanding how they have been developing, what stressors they have had and their neurological clues.


With this approach, we help individuals be more efficient and have a better expression of life, not merely offer cover or coping strategies.


We look for clinical indicators of inefficiencies in the way they are using their brain, and the way they are processing, learning, engaging, and connecting with their world.


We have to ask and answer TWO big questions.


Are there clinical clues that an individual may be pushed towards that fight or flight or survival mode (Autonomic Dysfunction)?


What primary tools is this individual using to engage, process and connect. (our most efficient and sophisticate processing tool is our prefrontal cortex)


They could be having too many stressors, causing their brain and body to be in this Sympathetic Dominance – this is not conducive to efficient growth or development and therefore leads to challenges.


Let’s jump on a Complementary Call to see if we are a great fit for you and your family.


We are here to help families find hope, solutions and understanding to why their children might be having the challenges they are having.


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