IAB Health Productions


P.A.L.S. for Healing is a nonprofit mental health organization dedicated to providing education, art therapy, EMDR and other trauma informed therapies to help people who have suffered trauma and/or loss and positively impact overall health. Individuals can experience trauma from direct AND indirect exposure to an event(s) that leaves them with feelings of helplessness, terror and loss of safety. Some of these experiences can include divorce, having an incarcerated parent, being in the foster care system, rape, serving in the military, having a family member in the military, responding to crisis situations, domestic violence, bullying, childhood abuse and neglect, the death of a loved one and natural disasters. P.A.L.S. for Healing has three locations within Cuyahoga County and provides offsite group and individual services within Cuyahoga, Lake and Summit counties. We also provide professional workshops and trainings for individuals and organizations.


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