IAB Health Productions


Our mission is to provide employers and employees with access to cutting-edge preventative medicine, with the goal of fostering a healthier, happier, more productive workforce and ultimately reducing employer health costs.

We partner with the brightest clinical providers and most user-friendly technical solutions while providing patient support services that you can count on.

All tests/screening are CLIA certified and results are completely confidential (only viewable by the participant).


Cancer Screening:

Analyzes DNA in search of genetic markers associated with a variety of cancer types including Breast, Ovarian, Lung, Colorectal, Melanoma, Head, Neck, Pancreatic, Thyroid, Prostate, and many more

Pharmacogenomic Screening:

Provides an understanding of how genes affect your individual response to medications. This allows you or your doctors to identify drugs which may cause adverse reactions and tailor both treatment and medications to your unique genes.


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Our Locations

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Provider Reviews

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