IAB Health Productions


About Dr. Eric Smith

At one point in my life I was working so hard studying to get my Doctorate in Chiropractic while trying to lead a “healthy” life. I hit the gym 4-5 times a week and did my “best” to TRY to eat healthy. Slowly the pounds kept coming on and I put off losing fat with the thought I would just gain more muscle. I got up to about 40% body fat and was UNCOMFORTABLE in my clothes and LIFE.

It was then when I got the opportunity to buy my own practice in downtown Chicago. It was going to be a big undertaking so I DEDICATED myself to healthy mind habits, a planned workout plan, GOT A COACH to hold me accountable as we as take the burden off of me in time and mental anguish. I NEEDED someone to make a plan for me to execute, keep my mind in the positive and keep me GOING.

Fast forward to 15 months later. I competed in my FIRST men’s physique competition in the NPC. I got DEAD LAST but was in the BEST shape of my life. From there I kept consistent as well as kept growing in mind, body and spirit. Now I am 42 years old and have had the healthiest years of my life. YOU can do it as well!

All the….
– Confusion for diets and information
– Frustration
– Set backs
– Health issues
– Self esteem problems
– Feeling FAT
– The list goes on and on and on.

It has always been my vision to help as many people as he can in the more efficient way possible. Those experiences include Fitness, Nutrition, Establishing successful life habits, Coaching as well as Creating Health and Wellness in his clients lives.

NOW is the THE time to COMMIT and let me HELP you!

Let’s do this!

If you are interest in Chiropractic Care please check out www.myoptimalhealthchiro.com


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