IAB Health Productions


My name is Rich Loniewski, and I am the owner of ONLINE FITNESS PRO. I have been in this industry for over 30 years. I have had several certifications and am currently AAAI certified. I have worked in gyms, wellness centers and owned my own fitness center for over 15 years. I have trained hundreds of client ranging from athletes to seniors to business executive to stay at home moms and everyone in between. I have seen quite a few changes when it comes to peoples exercise habits. Most recently I have noticed how busy our lives have become and how extremely difficult it is to be healthy and fit in today’s society. I have seen, all too often, people starting out with such good intentions, but when something wrong in our lives or something gets in our way like our job or family life, People fall off track and stop. This process keeps on repeating and so many never reach their fitness goals. That’s why I came up with ONLINE FITNESS PRO.
We have coaches for life, business and sports, so why not have a coach for the most important asset in your life, your health. As we age our fitness goals change and you need someone to keep you moving forward, make the changes necessary to keep you on track.
I thought to myself what if there was a place to go that would provide all the tools you need to be healthy and fit. Something you can take with you anywhere around the world. And what if you had a coach that can lead you through that journey, hold you accountable and be there for you to get you back on track when you stumble. If you had something like that, how can you fail? That in a nutshell is what ONLINE FITNESS PRO is all about.
With the ONLINE FITNESS PRO website you will create your own personalized and secure portal.

You will receive 3 personalized workouts weekly based on your current fitness level and goals. It doesn’t matter if you work out in a gym, at home or in a hotel room you work outs will be designed to fit your situation. As your fitness level improves so will your work outs to keep challenging you and keep you moving forward. All your workouts are archived so you will have access to every workout I give you.

You will have your own food journal to log in your daily meals and snacks for review and recommendations. I will make small changes weekly until we develop healthy eating habits you can live with. This is not a diet, this is all about teaching you to eat healthy most of the time. I use the 80/20 rule which states if you eat healthy 80% of the time and not so healthy 20% of the time you can consider yourself living a healthy lifestyle. Listen, we have to live a little, it’s all about moderation. You journal will also be archives so you can view how you’re eating habits have changed as the weeks go by.

Through my blog and Facebook page you will have access to a ton of useful information and tips on everything health and fitness related. The definition of a coach is teacher and I want you to learn the reasons behind what we are doing.

You will have access to a huge and always growing library of exercise videos. You can learn how to perform the exercises I give you with perfect form and keep you injury free. ONLINE FITNESS PRO also has an extensive library of lunch, dinner, breakfast and snack ideas as well as a ton of healthy recipes. Running out of healthy eating choices, I have a huge variety of them right at your fingertips.
Like I said, everything you need to stay fit. And the best part is you can take it anywhere. Weather its school, your job, traveling for work or on vacation, ONLINE FITNESS PRO will be there when you need it.

The other part of ONLINE FITNESS PRO is the coaching. When you first sign up, we will spend an hour together on the phone to discuss what you are looking to get out of ONLINE FITNESS PRO, how things will work moving forward and most importantly just getting to know each other. Every week there after we will talk for at least 15 minutes to discuss how the week went, your food journal and any problems we need to address. You can also message me directly through the website as well as Facebook messaging, email support and, most importantly, text messaging. Having an issue, question or problem just text me, I always have my phone with me. My goal is to be there for you in any way I can to give you the support and guidance you need to get the job done. I want you to succeed probably more than you do.

The reason why I have so many clients is because I truly care about your health. Nothing makes me happier than to see one of my clients reach their goals and change their lives around.
Many years ago I was at a seminar listening to a great trainer and a good friend of mine talk, he said something at that seminar that was so profound that it is the cornerstone of my coaching philosophy. He asked us a few simple questions. What if Oprah Winfrey called you and asked you to be her trainer? Would you give her the best workouts you could? Would you give her the best nutritional advice you could? Would you go that extra mile for her and do everything in your power to make sure she succeeds? The entire crowd yelled “Yes” Then he said, and I quote “Then go out there and treat every client you have as if they were her! That’s the difference between a


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