IAB Health Productions


Nutritious Life

We offer life-changing nutrition education to anyone wanting a healthier life. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, as well as diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and digestive tract can all be managed with good nutrition. A registered dietitian nutritionist is a vital member of the health care or weight loss team.

Imagine how much better your life would be if you had abundant energy, stable moods, a faster metabolism and overall vibrant good health. We teach you to eat real foods in balance to create vitality from the inside out.


Lysa Dodd is a certified nutrition specialist (CNS), board certified specialist in sports dietetics (CSSD) and an exercise physiologist. She practices with a functional medicine approach in Nutrition (IFNCP). Her private practice is in the Austin and Hill Country areas where she provides nutrition counseling and personal training to her clients. She combines a holistic approach with science-based nutrition and exercise research. Her clients range in age from young children to older adults. She has been very successful providing nutrition and fitness guidance to beginner exercisers and the fittest. Additionally, she gives nutrition and wellness presentations to corporations, sports clubs, schools, assisted living facilities, and community centers.



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