IAB Health Productions


Natural Health Wellness Clinic offers customized, comprehensive, Nutritional Guidance services, Weight Loss programs, Weight Management programs, & Lifestyle Improvement programs. All designed to help individuals of all ages to obtain optimal health and longevity.

Whether you need to lose a few pounds, lose a significant amount of weight, or need Nutritional intervention to help improve the quality of your health, Natural Health Wellness can create a customized program that is focused on helping you to achieve optimal health and well-being.

Our Nutrition & Diet programs incorporate the Dietary Guidelines, and are prescribed and administered by experienced Dietetic professionals.

We also offer clinical and professional Skin and Body Spa treatments, and Beauty and Cosmetic services, provided by Licensed Esthetician & Skin Specialists.

We are located in Houston, Texas, near the Garden Oaks/Oak Forest areas.

Please contact us at: (832) 356-9793 to learn more, or visit our website.


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