
MyFit was created to fuel your mind, body, and soul. Virtual Live Fitness, Yoga, and Meditation Now Available! MyFit designs 30 minute total body workouts that boost metabolism and burn fat for up to 48 hrs after the workout. The HIIT sessions incorporate both upper and lower body muscles, core muscles, and cardio to give you a total body workout. Because multiple muscles are working at once, you receive maximum benefits of increased metabolic function and calorie burning potential for greater fat loss even hours after your workout. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or more advanced in your exercise skills, MyFit can help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Yoga and breathwork leads to a healthy mind, body, and soul. Daily life affects us all in different ways. Stress lives within our tissues, joints, and muscles. It is important to find balance so that we may live well and healthy lives.

MyFit also offers a host of self-paced wellness courses. 

Join us for live virtual wellness from anywhere you are!

Top Services:

  • 30 Minute Power Circuit Training
  • Virtual Live Personal Training-Train wherever you are!
  • Nutrition Anlaysis and Guidance (digital or in-person)
  • Corporate Fitness
  • Truck Driver Virtual/Digital Fitness Specialization
  • Raid My Fridge/Cabinet-The raid is a fun and excellent way to get advice on eating healthy. The trainer comes to your home and goes through your refrigerator/pantry to give advice on healthier options for food, and can also go shopping with you.  
  • TeenFit, Couples Fitness, New Moms, Nutrition Education, Corporate
  • Wellness Travel
  • Wellness Workshops/Team Building 


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