IAB Health Productions


According to a recent poll, 85 % of Americans are constantly stressed about money. The good news is you don’t have to be.

The founders’ vision is to empower people to attain Personal Financial Success. The company name myEcon, is short for “my Economy”; because the founders envision each individual taking care of their Personal Economy.

myEcon is a membership-based organization. Our team empowers the members to attain financial success by educating individuals and families with financial strategies, services and products that are designed to increase your cashflow.

The web-based system includes:

~ Cashflow budgeting app

~ Retirement plan app

~Debt elimination app

~ Tax minimizing strategies

~DIY credit repair program

~ Expense reduction techniques

~Investment training

~ Maximizing your company’s retirement plan

~Cashback mall

~Discount travel

~roadside assistance

~Credit monitoring

~ID defender and anti-virus software

~Free and discount legal services

~Discount coffee and tea

~Health and wellness products



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