IAB Health Productions


Anxiety takes over your life. My clients often find themselves feeling stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated and worried about their performance. Sometimes they give up because the nervousness and anxiety is unmanageable. Sometimes they are unsuccessful at setting goals because of their fear of failure or rejection. Sometimes they feel angry or shameful over the way they look or appear to others. These behaviors can be pushed aside or avoided by the use of unhealthy coping skills. My clients may appear victorious through a mask of perfectionism, but when crucial performances or events arrive, the fear of failure implodes their success.

My clients want to enjoy their sport or career without feeling like their chest is about to explode. They want to stop comparing themselves to those around them or fear the judgement from the crowd. Part of them wants to share their experiences and feel positive support from others.
As a former athlete and a current “imperfectionist in progress”, I understand what you are going through. I know what may help you and I know the difficulties you face. It will not be easy, but together we can create the best version of you!


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