IAB Health Productions


When you visit Manhattan Dental Health, you’ll be asked about things other than your mouth, such as your sleep habits, headaches, asthma, heartburn or other seemingly unrelated health issues.

We ask because these and other health issues might be associated with things that are happening in your mouth. Many people don’t realize it, but everything in our bodies is connected.

At our practice, it’s all about looking for causes and not just treating symptoms…it’s about asking the right questions. But asking the questions is just the first step; the next step requires a commitment to finding the right answers.

In life, answers often lie in unexpected places. Sometimes the places don’t make sense until years later. That’s the value of experience coupled with passion and thoughtfulness.

Many people see things happening to their body and just attribute them to aging. Few people – and even few doctors – are able to connect the dots. At Manhattan Dental Health, we connect the dots between your oral health and your overall health.

We view the mouth in a unique way – it’s not just about teeth and gums. Connecting the dots, solving the puzzle and answering the “why” is what we do. Our journey continues so that we can help answer your “why.”


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