IAB Health Productions


Welcome to our Non-Surgical Hair Loss Solution Center, a beacon of hope for those battling hair loss and thinning. Pioneering the most innovative, cutting-edge technologies in the field, we specialize in Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) and Trichology.

Trichology is the scientific study of the hair and scalp. As part of our comprehensive Hair Loss Solution offerings, we provide expert trichological assessments and treatments, aiming to alleviate hair and scalp conditions that contribute to hair loss.

Scalp Micropigmentation is a procedure where the sparse areas of concern get addressed through pointillism where tiny micro pigmented “dots” are strategically placed in the areas that are thinning giving the client the look and the illusion of fuller thicker hair. 

Our mission is to provide clients with effective, non-invasive options to restore confidence and reinvent their self-image.



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