IAB Health Productions


Kathleen specializes in treating chronic health conditions. Her focus is both on acquired and autoimmune diseases, pain, stress, and life. Because life is chronic.

Kathleen Hiatt Cutter, licensed acupuncturist, understands that with any illness or discomfort not only do our physical bodies need to be attended to but we also need to address the ripple effects on our heart and mind in order to fully heal.

Commonly, acupuncturists work with two to four clients at any given time, some see 25 clients or more a day. Kathleen’s practice is unique in that she treats one client at a time focusing her attention and energy on the single client continually monitoring and adjusting the treatment to maximize the benefit for the client.

For nearly 20 years, Kathleen has been using many tools and techniques towards her clients’ greatest benefit. In addition to acupuncture, Kathleen offers individualized herbal formulas, cupping, moxibustion, and dietary advice. Kathleen compliments these traditional Chinese medical techniques with functional blood analysis to provide more exact nutritional advice. Additionally, she may use the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT help resolve stubborn health issues.


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