IAB Health Productions


Hope in Pain, Inc. seeks to:

  • Provide patient- and caregiver-oriented advocacy, support and education services focusing on migraine disease, other headache disorders, and chronic pain.
  • Help people and their families who are affected by these conditions through social media outreach, websites, meetings, and educational materials.
  • Empower patient voices and raise public awareness of disease symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options, and promote research to help treat, manage, and ultimately cure these conditions.
  • Help close the loop of communication among patients, health care professionals, pharmaceutical and medical device companies in order to optimize patient care and disease management.

We believe in creating an open space for patients to be heard while also fostering a community of balance. Our community brands—Hope for Migraine and Migraine Meanderings—offer places where migraine patients with the strongest interest in new treatments congregate to learn, and we are the leading edge of understanding the patient mindset when it comes to new treatments in the migraine space.


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