IAB Health Productions


For over ten years, Dr. Hey and his team of healthcare professionals have been serving children, adolescents and adults with scoliosis and other spinal deformities from across the Southeastern United States and beyond. Dr. Hey aspired to be a surgeon following his own experience as a trauma patient during his adolescent years. His residency and training includes MIT, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital. In 2005, after serving on faculty for Duke University Medical Center for nearly ten years, Dr. Hey founded the Hey Clinic for scoliosis and spinal deformities.

Dr. Hey has performed over 6,000 spine surgeries; thousands with spinal deformity. Under Dr. Hey’s guidance, experience and leadership, the Hey Clinic team strives to create authentic relationships through a strong focus on patient education, generous appointment times and an emphasis on non-surgical treatments when appropriate.

At Hey Clinic spine center, we understand that spinal deformities impact people of all ages. No matter your age, it is important to understand your deformity and the appropriate steps needed to achieve and maintain your best quality of life and posture. Though far for some, our patients tell us that our care is worth the trip. The Hey Clinic is located in Raleigh, North Carolina.


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