IAB Health Productions


Your body is an Ecosystem; you CAN control what you expose it to and how well it can function.

An ecosystem is a community consisting of different components. This system includes interactions among organisms, between organism and their environment. And just like an ecosystem, we interact with different people within our environment on a daily basis. This is something we all do; every day we have a set of tasks, plans or job (or all three combined!) that we must give attention and completion to. These tasks, plans or job, all relate to our environment (day-to-day). Since we have the power of free will, the choice you made in creating these tasks, plans or job, have become a part of your world regardless of x, y or z reasons.

I am somewhat generalizing here because everyone has a story and life can put people in tough situations. Also, we are all human and sometime we make mistakes. Some easy to resolve and some are not. Regardless of that, your established environment has the ability to either foster or fracture your well-being. Whether it is immense stress and pressure you are feeling 40 hours a week at your 9-5 job, or you are in a toxic relationship with friends, family or significant other. Maybe you are dealing with addictive cravings or behaviors that you simply cannot get a hold of. Obviously these are more on the negative spectrum but I am sure a lot of you reading this can relate to at least one of these three scenarios (if not, good for you!).

And if so, you should not feel discouraged because our society is a big part of accepting this reality. We are the nation behind the idea of the “American Dream” meaning work your ass off and you will float comfortably in pool of success. You must chase after it at all cost, a sink or swim mentality, this can really motivate and drive some but also terrify others. Either way, we are out here doing the best we can to exist and thrive in our environments, along with feeling the pressures that our society shoves in our faces. So I think it is safe to say that we can get very lost in this, losing site of ourselves as individuals and what we really want and need.

So lets put some emphasis on exploring and reviewing our ecosystems and work towards accomplishing the much-needed balance. We could all benefit from perspective and I am here to work along side you to find the solutions you need.

The best investment you can make is towards your happiness and well-being. We will work in unison to identify and correct problems that are holding you back and making you sick. My approach is all about preventative maintenance, a strategy our society completely overlooks. I truly believe we all have the potential to function at our highest abilities, and only optimal Health and Wellness can get you there. 


Visit here for more:

(W): www.getyourecosystemincheck.com

(F): https://www.facebook.com/tlewiss92/

(E): getyourecosystemincheck@gmail.com


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