As Physiologists with over 23 years of success, we evaluate the posture of the body. This is a low-tech process that only takes a few moments. The posture of your body tells a story. We also ask questions and finally, through some movement patterns, we are able to target all the origins of the problems causing pain and concern.
Our proven method (that was pioneered by Gary Rumel) builds specific muscles (weaker muscles) and stretches muscles that are tight and overused (stronger muscles) while stabilizing the joints of the body so as not to load the joints while working out and stretching. Intelligen exercise with a purpose, that feels good!
The muscles move the joints back into their proper positions so there is no longer blood or nerve restrictions. The pain is gone!
Our clients report many wonderful transformations including; “I feel 10 years younger!” “I no longer need my Depends undergarments because my bladder is working again!” “My bowels are regular for the first time in my life!” “At the age of 94, I wanted to be able to simply reach my coffee cup in the cupboard and now I’m playing golf again!”
We safely work with clients who desire to heal their bulging and herniated disc naturally, without surgery. And we have been able to do just that with more clients than we can count who cancelled their surgery with their doctor’s approval.
The body was created to heal itself as long as it is in a state of ease. We put your body back into it’s state of ease. Your energy levels go up and so does your self esteem and work productivity!
We are a mind with a body not a body with a mind!
Our website has a Reviews tab where you can hear a few of the stories for yourself from several of our clients.
We also have worked on more than 20 medical doctors and more R.N.’s than we can remember, who have all had amazing results!
We offer a membership or private sessions utilizing our virtual studio so you can work out in the safety and convenience of your own home or office.
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