
My MEND Method ™ provides a proven and personalized blueprint to feel like your confident, vibrant self again by reducing stress, increasing energy, and implementing specific changes that will have the biggest and most lasting impact for your midlife.

I’m a health and safety engineer, turned certified health coach, with 35 years experience helping others – from people in Fortune 100 board rooms to individual private clients.

“Renee is an excellent presenter. Drawing from both her personal and professional experience, she offers easy to follow tips for stress management that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine.” – Dana Aderhold, Manager of Work/Life and EAP Programs, SAS Institute, Cary NC

If you are a fan of personality assessments, I’m a Myers Briggs ESTJ, Enneagram 3, and DISC profile high D. Not sure what any of that means?? I’m super organized, responsible, driven, results oriented and love to see people succeed.

It’s what made me a successful corporate consultant and entrepreneur for years, and I think you will find that makes for a great coach and accountability partner when you are ready to see personal health and wellness results.

Other than organized, the word my friends most often use to describe me is inspiring. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016 and worked hard every day to take back my health. I celebrated the end of cancer treatment by participating in my first triathlon (which I trained for throughout radiation) and celebrated my 1st cancerversary by running in my first 1/2 marathon. I’m now proud to call myself a cancer rebel.

I became a Certified Heath Coach in 2018 and have additional certificates in Stress Management; Mindfulness; Meditation; and Food, Nutrition & Health. I also hold Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Engineering from North Carolina State University.


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