
Camp Gladiator is an outdoor, online and on demand group fitness and online nutrition coaching program. Our workouts are full-body, for every body and led by Certified Personal Trainers. Our nutrition coaching includes meal plans and grocery lists designed to meet your goals plus a tracking app.

Both fitness and nutrition programs come with accountability from your coach and trainer – me. I don’t just hope you show up for your workouts and stick with your meal plans, I’m going to connect with you, ask how you are doing and feeling and address your questions. I will celebrate your achievements with you and we will overcome obstacles together.

We believe our bodies need to be exercised in multiple modalities and you will experience workouts focused in endurance, strength, and interval training. And because we are all certified trainers, we will tailor the workout to meet your individual needs.

Whether you prefer outdoor or online workouts, you will have unlimited access to meet your schedule every day of the week. Our outdoor locations are in 8 states and MANY cities. Our live, virtual workouts are all times of day, Sunday – Saturday. Wondering if we have an outdoor presence in your city? Find out at this link – https://campgladiator.com/locations.  

Now is a great time to try CG Fitness & see for yourself – you get 2 weeks of unlimited workouts FREE! Interested in nutrition, too? I’m offering 30 minute 1-on-1 nutrition consultations for FREE to see if it’s a good fit for you.

Ready to sign up?! Email me, text me or go ahead & sign up here: https://campgladiator.com/trainer/maraburdick

I look forward to helping you with your fitness & nutrition journey!



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