IAB Health Productions


Ann Reibel-Coyne is a New York State licensed and National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine certified acupuncturist providing relief to patients with pain and assisting them to reduce or eliminate symptoms due to health problems.  

The World Health Organization and the National Institute of Health have recognized acupuncture as an effective therapy for over 100 conditions. Including: addiction, allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, chronic pain, fatigue, fibromyalgia, gastritis, depression, headaches, IBS, infertility, insomnia, rhinitis, sciatica, sinusitis, smoking and weight management.

Ann is also available to teach groups or individuals Tai chi and Qigong for health.  Practice of the slow, gentle and repetitive movements in tai chi and qigong is deeply relaxing and has significant health benifits. Including:  improved memory and  focus, improved flexibility and balance, and relief from stress and joint pain.  Ann is a National Qigong Association certified level I Qigong instructor and a Tai Chi for Health Institute ceritified tai chi instructor.



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