IAB Health Productions


Academy Injury and Health Center is a 22 year old Chiropractic practice located in Northeast Philadelphia. We treat in excess of 400 patients weekly making us a premier Chiropractic Wellness Center in our area. 

We participate with: Employers, Unions, School’s, Municipalities, Police and Fire Companies and a wide variety of Community organizations to educate people about the importance of Muscular-Skeletal Wellness.

We are a Wellness resource for those seeking to correct the cause of a variety of Muscular – Skeletal symptoms to restore the bodies natural ability to heal and function at its best for improved performance, reduced pain / discomfort, improved productivity and a reduction in absenteeism.

Whether it’s providing Complimentary Muscle Tension Screenings or presenting a Lunch and Learn; our No Cost services are an excellent way to promote Wellness.

Because our screenings focus on an area not included in Biometric Screenings we are an excellent enhancement to encompass a wider spectrum of health for all. 

Demonstrations of our State of the Art Quick, Easy and Non-Invasive Screenings are available for you to see how they can benefit your Employees or Organization. 


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