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Golf Instruction

Golf instruction and tips to improve your golf swing, grip and putting. Watch swing sequences and learn the stack and tilt method. (Source: Condé Nast.)


Think you can master this game without some help? If you do, think again. Even learning the basics of the game will take time and won’t happen overnight. One thing that can help you learn more quickly and avoid the bad habits your friends have developed is to hire a personal coach.

Yes, You Should Hire An Instructor

When you first start to golf (or when you first get serious about it), it’s tempting to turn to the people you golf with. After all, you saw Jim cut straight down the middle of that par five and Scott’s short game saves him every time. Clearly, they know what they’re doing.

Well, it might not be that clear. Jim’s swing, while it works for him, isn’t consistent and he does something funny with his elbow in his back swing. And Scott? Well, his short game is okay, but he’s terrible at reading greens.

The people you golf with have bad habits. While turning to them likely won’t cost you more than a beer or two, it could cost your game dearly. We want to help you and your game – that’s why we recommend hiring a personal coach.

Here are five tips to help you on your search for a coach.

1. Know Their Experience

Just like you don’t necessarily want free advice from your usual golfing crew, you also don’t want to pay for advice from just anyone calling themselves a coach or trainer. Instead, look for people with formal training, lots of experience, and someone with a successful track record.

Another important aspect is considering if they are a good fit for you. Some coaches and trainers specialize – some work with beginners and others are better suited to work with more advanced golfers.

You want to ensure that any coach you’re considering is experienced, but also that you’re a good fit for one another.

2. Ask Around

Golfers know what’s up in their area – they know the best places to play, where to get great deals on gear, and who to turn to when you need a trainer. One of the best ways to find a good golf trainer is to just ask other people at the course you frequent.

Asking other golfers will help you bypass sales pitches, grab some reviews, and find out the real scoop.

3. Conduct Interviews

Once you’ve identified a handful of trainers, it’s time to interview them. Just like any job interview, you need to ask important questions. Find out:

  • What kind of training they have
  • What level of of golfer they prefer working with
  • What they charge
  • Where they are accredited and what, if any, memberships they have
  • If they can provide references
  • What kind of methodology they use
  • How they communicate and interact with the people they train

These are only some suggestions, but they are a good start.

4. Know Your Budget

A personal coach is an investment in your game that will produce very real returns. Still, once you find a trainer you like, you need to make sure you can afford what you’re signing up for – you never want to stiff your trainer.

Know what you can afford and then maximize your budget for maximum impact.

5. Join A Group

If you’re worried about your budget, a great way to save money is to join a group. With more people participating in each training session, your rates are much cheaper.

In addition to being lighter on your wallet, it gives you the added benefit of being part of a group of golfers where each person is serious about improving their game. Being with other golfers offers both motivation and support if you find yourself struggling.

Practicing with coaches who can give good feedback is the key to faster learning and long-term success. These tips will help you find the right coach for you.

(Source: Off the Deck)

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