Benefits of Hosting Employee Wellness Workshops

Wellness workshops are an integral part of planning a successful employee wellness program. Workshops allow you to provide useful health education in a way that’s interactive and engaging. They are often an effective tool in creating positive changes in the health of your employees and cementing health initiatives within your organization. When deciding whether hosting an educational wellness workshop is right for your business, consider the following benefits:

Education provides a greater Value on Investment.

When it comes to education based employee wellness, the standard Return on Investment calculations is outdated. Instead, consider Value on Investment (VOI), which focuses on intangibles such as how employees feel and how those feelings affect their attitudes about work and life in general. The education given in workshops provides employees with the tools they need to improve their mental and physical health over the long term. Healthier employees lead to a happier, more productive workplace overall.

Workshop topics can further enhance specific company wellness initiatives.

Whether your goal is to lower rates of absenteeism, reduce uses of health insurance or reduce smoking amongst your employees, educational workshops can help you achieve them. Hosting wellness workshops allows you the opportunity to cover specific health topics in greater detail with your employees. Once your employees have a greater understanding of your initiative, work with them to plan actionable goals to maximize the workshop’s effectiveness.

Wellness education shows your employees that you care about their well-being.

Hosting a wellness workshop for your employees shows you appreciate them and care about their well-being. This can improve employee morale, which can lead to greater retention rates and productivity. Employees that feel appreciated and respected are more loyal and willing to stick with their employers for the long haul.

On the IAB website, there are thousands of wellness workshops on various educational topics to browse and potentially utilize for your employees – many for free. Some available topics include stress management, weight loss, nutrition, and financial education. Workshops will most often be hosted at your location; however, IAB also offers workshops hosted at the site of the provider.

Find out more about organizing wellness workshops for your employees.

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