IAB Health Productions


Life is full of opportunities.   Implications of hearing loss and tinnitus reach far beyond hearing alone.  Missing any part of it could negatively  impact your personal, social, professional or physical well-being.

At Aim Hearing & Audiology Services, we have helped hundreds of patients live more fulfilled and enriched lives through the use of high-quality  hearing aid technology and assistive listening devices.  We offer specialized monitoring programs for those individuals at risk.  In addition to treat and rehabilitation, we also focus on the prevention of hearing loss.

Dr. Shannon Frymark was born with hearing loss and has utilized hearing aids since age 3. Her husband, Dr. Emil Frymark has experienced first-hand how hearing loss and hearing improvement impacts quality of life. Together they offer their patients unique insight into the issues surrounding hearing loss and hearing aid use.

Aim Hearing & Audiology Services work with local physicians and are in-network with most major insurances.




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